Brown Skin Lady.

Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Gagne trotting out of the bullpen, Welcome to the Jungle blaring, crowd going bananas... gotta be one of the most awesome things to see in baseball.

andycat stayed in the red at 6:59 AM

Monday, June 28, 2004

Binderpaper. Issue 3. Wild Hot.

Food makes me happy. Food with my friends makes me even happier. Zucchini, red bell peppers, corn, onions, and chicken breasts. All perfect ingredients for a BBQ.

"Need a Red Bull?"-- Dave, before heading out to the store to pick up some trash bags. He had know it had been a long day for me.

"Nah, I'm cool."-- My appreciative response.

"You sure?"--Dave, inquiring yet again to ensure that my beverage of choice was indeed not a Red Bull.

"Yeah man. I'm cool."--Me. I didn't want a Red Bull.

"What should I pour myself? Red Bull, Vodka?"-- Me, three minutes later, asking Max of his opinion on what cocktail I should have.

"Dope. Snatched my last Red Bull from the fridge after I told you I was going to the store."-- Dave, on my mooching behavior.

"He wasn't even hesistant about it either."-- Max, on me taking Dave's last Red Bull.

"A's game." -- Matt, on his present location when calling me Saturday Night

"Hermosa Beach." -- Me, telling Matt the present plans Saturday Night

"I went to jail." -- Matt, on his previous visit to Hermosa.

"Drunk and High." -- Matt, on his present mind state.

"Make sure to eat garlic fries." -- Me, on appropriate munchies at Oakland Coliseum.

"Oh. Don't worry." -- Matt.

"Is that T.O.?" -- Max, on huge black dude doing calisthenics near the Santa Monica Stairs.

"We would drink all night, carry his ass home at 3 in the morning, and then he would wake up at 7 to do fartleks." -- Max, on the Revenge of Baruti.

Chillin with the fellas. What more can you ask for?

A free lap dance, maybe.

Nevermind, don't answer that.

andycat stayed in the red at 7:35 PM

Thursday, June 24, 2004

You know what sounds fun right now? Dominoes. Playing some dominoes with the fellas.
Oh, and I ended the make out drought last night. Touched some boobies too. Good for me. Sprained ankles are no fun. R.I.C.E.

Iguoadala was a steal at #9.

So how's everybody's week going? Mine? Alrite. I notice I've been feeling, well, not cool lately. You would think making out with some girls would boost my ego,
but hasn't.

Maybe, I just wanna be loved. That would make me feel cool.

andycat stayed in the red at 9:42 PM

Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Com's verse on the Kanye West joint Get 'em High? Fuego.
This coffee I'm drinking? Hot.
GP exercising his option to remain a Laker next season? Lukewarm.
Me not having made out with a girl in about 6 months? Cold.
Southern California June Gloom? Also cold.
Me teaching kids about survival vs. necessity vs. luxury? HOTT. (Feigned excitement.)
Temperatures in Hawaii? Balmy.
Dodgeball -- The Movie? THE Hotness.
Beastie Boys -- To the 5 Boroughs? Cold. (Though I still dig MCA's flow.)

That's all.

andycat stayed in the red at 7:42 AM

Friday, June 18, 2004


You make plans to kick it Saturday night. Throughout the work week, you and the fellas get amped for the weekend shooting e-mails back and forth talking about the legendary potential of the weekend. Saturday night rolls around. There's the pre-party at the crib with booze flowing abundantly and rapid fire shit talking. Now it's time to get down. You take a cab to the spot, soak in the scene and order a round of is good. An hour later, you realize:

The music. Wack.
The girls. Pretentious.
The drinks. Overpriced.
Your body. A little tired.

Your excitement fizzles. You call the night a bust, take a cab home, and crash. of your boys stays. He'd been working his charm with the ladies since the beginning of the night and ends the night getting down with her. He basks in his own glory. To him, tonight is awesome.


You make plans to start a fantasy league. Throughout the week, you get amped for the live draft, doing preseason research on sleeper picks and players with breakout season potential. Live draft rolls around, you lock in on your #1 pick, talking shit to all the other owners as they make their picks. The season begins. You check the stats of your players daily, make the necessary changes, adding and dropping the players who you feel are not cutting it. A month into the seaon you realize:

Your sleeper pick. Still sleeping.
Your preseason rankings. Worthless.
Your first round draft pick. On the DL.
Your team. Sucks.

Your interest wanes. You call your fantasy team a bust, stop checking the stats, and forget that you even had a team. But...the first place owner, he got off to a roaring start, checks his team on the daily, and talks shit on message board about how awesome his team is. He is a worthy fantasy team owner.

andycat stayed in the red at 10:06 AM

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

ucsbcub1: i just hate our team
ucsbcub1: so much drama so little heart
ANDYDOAN1: it'll be different next year.
ucsbcub1: no kobe
ucsbcub1: no phil
ucsbcub1: no gp
ucsbcub1: no karl
ucsbcub1: shaq all fat and out of shape
ANDYDOAN1: start fresh.
ucsbcub1: i rooting for the conviction now
ucsbcub1: if he doesnt play on the lakers
ucsbcub1: he plays no where
ANDYDOAN1: that's the funniest that has been said to me all week
ANDYDOAN1: that is blog worthy.

I'm rooting for the conviction now.
I just had to say that out loud to myself and think about it.
And then reflect upon it some more.
And then laugh really fuckn loud.

andycat stayed in the red at 8:52 AM

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

When did Kanye West become the new Nate Dogg?
Selfish -- Slum Village ft. Kanye.
Trademark groovy Slum Village sound.

SV. Check.
Merlot. Check.
Candles. Check.
Cocoa butter. Check.
Jims. Check.

I'm calling...
out to...
all my...

andycat stayed in the red at 8:09 AM

Monday, June 14, 2004

I have a cousin on my mom's side. Khoa, 28, from Boston, has a Masters in Public Health, and working in the D.C. area. His fiance, Karen, has recently graduated from college for a third time. That's right, she just received her PHD in psychology. I think she's around the same age as him. They met in grad school at the University of Michigan.

Nice people. Down-to-earth. Easy going, and easy to talk to. Karen is from Palos Verdes, and the bride and groom to be were in town this past weekend. They invited me to dinner along with some of their friends they had made during undergrad and now living in the LA area.

I arrive late to Dolce, the trendy italian restaurant on Melrose owned by Ashton Kutcher. There are six others at the table. The conversation is now focused on me:

Sorry I'm late. I had to attend this seminar for school.

Khoa introduces me:
Andy's a teacher, the last great profession. He's in grad school.

And the usual questions about teaching are thrown at me -- What kind of seminar? What do you teach? What grade do you teach? Do you like it? Etc. Etc.

Surely, Khoa had mentioned that his cousin was going to arrive late for dinner. There were three other single women at the table -- probably around the age of 27. What goes on in the mind of single women approaching her late 20's knowing that some mysterious man is about to show up. I'm gonna try and guess...

Is he cute?
Does he make a lot of money?

Let me answer those:
I'm highly average.
Teacher's salary? Looks like I'll be driving the BLAZIN1 for a while.

I have no idea where I'm going with this post.

Oh yeah. When I'm in a situation like this (at dinner with college educated strangers), I'm more proud to say that I'm in grad school and a teacher, than say...I work at Starbucks. (Although people seem really interested when I tell them I work at Starbucks).

I don't want my occupation to constitute my identity. But at the same time, I would rather be known as a teacher, than as a Starbucks Barista.

I shouldn't care at all. But I do. Whatever happened to the virtues of humbleness?There's a fine line between pride vs. being proud of what you've accomplished.

Are you confused yet? I am.

andycat stayed in the red at 8:07 AM

Sunday, June 13, 2004


Hot dogs are good. Corn Dogs? Even better. Whoever had the brilliant idea to dip a hotdog in some corn batter, and then deep fry it...genius. Serious culinary genius. Like the time I decided to put some feta cheese in my ground turkey to make some feta cheese turkey burgers...delicious. Ever been to the county fair and had a bratwurst on a stick? Same idea as the corndog, just a bratwurst inside.

In the current moment, the pangs of hunger run deep throughout my body. I cannot think straight. Dizzy. Maybe I should consume something.


andycat stayed in the red at 7:51 PM

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

So I'm at the gym. 3:30 this afternoon. Lifting. Sweating. Got a natural high rushing through my body. Dilated pumping throught the speakers. Feels good. Then I get a visual. Think about all my athletes of friends. How ill would it be to be working out with the squad:

Baruti on the bench, pressing a few plates, transforming into the specimen that he is.

Max doing some military presses, mind over matter, talking about how pain is just weakness leaving the body.

Costello on the arm curls, intesity in his eyes, feverishly sweating out a couple extra reps.

Connor doing pull-ups, checking out his sweet reflection betweens sets.

Daven giving Carlos a spot on the incline bench, pushing him along, talkin bout, "C'MON BITCH!"

Dave and Chad sweating profusely on the...nevermind. They're just kinda hanging out.

I do miss my friends and it was good seeing the crew this past weekend. I also attribute my lack of creativity (especially on this blog), to the fact that I haven't been able to hang out with you guys. I realize I can be the quiet one, but that's just a function of my brain processing all your zany antics, and manifesting words onto this blog.

Memories gone bad too. Quotacious Quotes? Can't think of any. Hold on.

"That's material for you, bitch!" -- Daven, after Dave puked on the bar twice.

"Is that blog-worthy?" -- Carlos, after a saying something quotacious.

"Three. Four months." -- Max, on the last time he worked out.

"I think that's the fourth outfit he's changed into." -- Me, after witnessing Connor change multiple times before heading out to the bar.

"Keep using that quarter. It has a good bounce." -- Dom, on playing quarters.

"Scientology" -- Dave, on the status of his work environment.

"What's that?" -- Me, on my ignorance regarding Scientology.

"That's fool gets hella mad when you joke about him converting." -- Connor, on Dave's attitude about cult-like religions.

"FUCK YOU" -- Dave, after making jokes about him converting.

"Definitely have come home hating myself after working from 6(AM) to 9(PM) and waking back up at 6" -- Max, on his work environment.

"Go talk to her. You got the white boy thing going on for you." -- Me, urging Max to talk to a white girl at the bar.

"But she don't know about the andycat charm." -- Max's reply.

"Gotta make some money." -- Last word's Daven said to me before bouncing Saturday night.

"I should get some hair products." -- Carlos, on supplies he needed before heading out to Chile.

"I miss hip-hop. They play techno and spanish pop in Chile." -- Carlos, on the Chile nightlife music selection.

"Spanish pop. Dope." -- My thoughts on Spanish pop.

"The last time I saw you, you didn't have SOUL tattooed on you." -- Chad, reminiscing about the last time we had hung out.

"HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHHEHEHEHEHE" -- Dennis, watching the Road Rules Maraton.

"I'd hit." -- Dave, on a certain female Road Rules castmember

"Whiffle ball." -- Juvenile game the squad partook upon whilst I was in class from 9-4 on Saturday morning/afternoon.

"She was walking around naked in my room. So I told her to come inside my bed." -- Max, self-explanatory.

"You know you're getting old when you go to clubs and don't know what songs they are playing. And you get frustrated and leave." -- Connor, being the observant guy that he is.

"Andy knows about beats." -- Dave, subtly complementing my taste in music.

I just wanna thank everybody for your meaningful support on my teaching offer. I haven't signed the contract just yet. But I'll keep you posted.

andycat stayed in the red at 7:40 PM

Monday, June 07, 2004

I should be estatic. I'm not. It's been two years since I graduated. Really?...Two years? Seems like yesterday. Seems like eternity. I got a real job. Bout to sign my name on the dotted line. I was offered a one year contract for Blair HS in the Pasadena Unified School District. Call me Mr. Doan. Call me coach.

I'm scared. Nervous. Anxious. Not sure if I'm cut out for this. Self-doubt is a bitch. Can I be good at this profession? Yes. Will I last?

Question Remains.

andycat stayed in the red at 9:49 PM

Regan dies.
J-Lo gets hitched.
Smarty Jones loses bid for triple crown.
Lakers blow game 1.

Quite the weekend of suprises, no? Give me some time. I need to think of quotacious quotes.

andycat stayed in the red at 8:04 AM

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Going on a road trip? Take precaution. Bring DW wtih you. I mean I know my basics about troubleshooting a car. When the gas is empty, fill it up. Change the wiper blades if they're not doing the job. Basic stuff.

But when serious shit happens, this guy always has your back. Car overheating? Dave will help you out. Bout to get in a fight standing in line for the club? Dave will tell the busta to suck a dick.

Both true stories that happened over the weekend.

Thanks, man.

andycat stayed in the red at 9:16 AM