Brown Skin Lady.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

I had Barbaro as my win and the field as my place in my $40 exacta.

So horrible to see jockey Edgar Prado pull the horse up about a furlong into the race. Alex Solis (southern california racing circuit legend) said he heard the snap early in the race and veered Brother Alex to the right to avoid further possible catastrophe in some sort of crash. That energy wasted early caused Brother Alex to have nothing left for the stretch.

The horse is quite the specimen and if we can learn anything from such a tragic day at Pimlico is that these thoroughbreads are demanding athletes who have freakish athletic injuries just like all sportsmen.

Hopefully Barbaro doesn't become euthanized and can live a long fulfilling life as a sire making tremendous money with his stud fees.

Thoughts and prayers for sure.

I did manage to catch Sheila E., legendary percussionist for the Revolution, (as in Prince and the Revolution), this past Friday at Hollywood Park -- even seeing Prince on the wings, checking out his former protege. The crowd of mostly 30-somethings wents bananas when she did the opening drum set for Love Bizarre. And when she ended with Glamorous Life, every guy in the audience just about nutted on himself.

I remember having a huge crush on her when I was 10! And my god, she hasn't lost her hotness at the age of 45. She can still play the crap out of those drums!

andycat stayed in the red at 8:20 PM

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Few sports are as absurd as horseracing.

Perhaps curling is a distant second to this bizarre sport where you actually RIDE AN ANIMAL FOR MONEY.

Absurdity is the main reason why I love this sport as well as baseball where a man HITS A LEATHER PROJECTILE WITH A WOODEN STICK.

So if we were to actually compare the four major sports in America -- football, hockey, basketball, and baseball -- each sport will have one distinguishing characteristic as compared to the other three.

Baseball is the only sport where the coach actually wears the same uniforms as the players.

At any given Basketball stadium, fans actually sit on the surface where the players are battling it out.

When watching a Football game, all the players on the sideline seem to be STANDING, therefore eliminating the possibility of a "bench". And yes, I realize that they have those metal benches in the back -- but still the majority of players are standing. Shut up.

Hockey players wear ice skates.

Anyway, chalk one up for more L.A. teams as Brother Derek -- the Derby favorite makes his home stable out in Santa Anita.

andycat stayed in the red at 12:03 PM

Monday, May 01, 2006

In a letter dated to me March 15, 2006…which I just opened:

Dear Andy,
It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of commendation to you. You have distinguished yourself along with a small select group of teachers who will also be receiving this letter of recognition.

In speaking to -------, he had the following admirable remark regarding your excellence.

Andy has done an excellent job developing and maturing as a math teacher. He has created a strong style of classroom management that allows students of all ability level to focus their energy on teaching. His students respect and trust him…


Yes, this may seem congratulatory on the surface. But in that larger, deeper, “what-does-it-all-mean?” connection, I’m wondering what these people want.

Have you really seen the happenings of my classroom?
As long as nobody breaks a clavicle or vomits, I pretty much view my day as a success.
I mostly try to convince the youth to not throw rocks at birds.
I am a horrible horrible teacher.

andycat stayed in the red at 5:22 PM