Brown Skin Lady.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

I spend much of my free time thinking about the future of sports and the future of our children.

This is because I care deeply about sports.

When I was a kid, my coach could have questioned my intelligence and degraded me in front of the rest of the team and his reasoning for doing so would be completely valid.

I've never really cared about winning on an emotional level but winning has always made sense to me intellectually. It seems like the logical thing to want.

And now as adult, I want the process of winning to be complicated. I am fascinated with anything that makes sports more cerebral and less physical.

And thus my love for baseball exists.

"Let's assume our opponent has runners on first and third with no out and they send the trail runner to second with the count 0-2.

What is our objective?"

I implore you to watch Baseball Tonight more often.

andycat stayed in the red at 8:37 PM

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Back in 1999, I was on an MTV gameshow called webRIOT. I just checked the website...


Dude in the "3" frame looks vaguely familiar.

The internet is scary.

andycat stayed in the red at 11:38 PM